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Anti-Vaping Ethics: Home

Assignment Overview

Your Assignment: You will be creating a Canva infographic with facts and statistics about vaping. An infographic presents information/data through text and pictures.  Your goal is to make something that is visually interesting enough to make people want to read it.

So, Why Ethics? You should be thinking about this from an ethical standpoint.  Some ideas along this line might be the ethics of marketing to minors, the ethics of businesses in regards to tobacco and minorities, the ethics of Big Tobacco in general, etc.

Requirements: Your infographic will have a title (incorporate your ethics angle here), 6 pieces of information and coordinated graphics, and your name, etc. You will choose one of the infographic designs from the four listed below. There are also three short tutorial videos about Canva at the bottom of the page we would recommend watching to get a feel for how Canva works.  It's a total of a little over 8 minutes, but it gives a good overview. Here are the requirements. Feel free to do them in any order (name, etc. should be at top or bottom).

  • 1 fact or quote from the interview with Ryan Lee, Mr. Lum's nephew (step 2)
  • 1 quote about Big Tobacco and racism from the Videos tab (step 3)
  • 1 fact or quote from one of the articles (step 4)
  • 1 quote and the citation from a ProQuest viewpoint (step 5)
  • 1 fact from the Facts tab (step 6)
  • 1 fact or quote from the "Straight to Vape" video (step 7)
  • Your name, date, teacher, period


Anti-Vaping Quote/Fact Gathering Sheet

Infographic Choice 1

Canva Tutorial 1 Getting Started

Infographic Choice 2

Canva Tutorial 2 - Easy Editing

Infographic Choice 3

Canva Tutorial 3

Infographic Choice 4

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