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Freshman world religions survey

Assignment Overview

You will be researching a major world religion in a small group in order to introduce that religion to your classmates. You will take notes and then create a slideshow presentation (including images) that you can present to your classmates.

Your group must use the Google Slides template given to you 
by your teacher and follow the directions on each slide.


Three Links:

  1. World Religions Assignment - Lantz, Schulte, Moore, Griffith
  2. Example of World Religions slidedeck - Look at Slides #1, 2, 3, 4, and 9 as examples.
  3. Master Template of Google Slidedeck - One person in your group will need to make a copy of the slide presentation then share it with the others in the group.

ONE PERSON MAKE A COPY OF THE SLIDEDECK AND RENAME YOUR SLIDEDECK:  NameofReligion_per#  (ex. Islam_per3).  Share it with all your teammates and your teacher.

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